Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Customer Service-Customer Friendly Website-discussion Personal Statement

Client care Customer Friendly Website-conversation - Personal Statement Example so as to draw in clients and make them remain and shop. The site ought to have great route which really implies straightforward and not over-burden route (Singh). Initially, Shirts Shop site has basic shading plan in white and naval force with no savage hues, hence the substance on the site is somewhat decipherable. The company’s logo is additionally rather basic and brief. When going to the website’s landing page, the client sees the popups exhibiting and causing to notice the most intriguing recommendations to date. The route is extremely straightforward with the fundamental goods’ classifications situated in the line in the upper piece of the page. The products offered on the site are provided with exhaustive depiction and excellent photographs (counting show photographs of covers on models). All the contact data of the organization is put at the base of each page. Also, to my reasoning, the site is available for each client, the textual styles are profoundly decipherable, and the speed of its activity is somewhat high. Considering these attributes, this site can be professed to be

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Oprah Winfrey Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Oprah Winfrey Life - Essay Example All the endeavors that she began accomplished an incredible proportion of achievement. Following 25 years of facilitating the enormously effective show known as The Oprah Winfrey Show (TOWS) Oprah settled on the extreme choice to end the show. She likewise demonstrated that she has the goal to fire up her very on broadcasting company to be known as Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN). Taking into account that TOWS which is the thing that a great many people relate to Oprah will never again be delivered, the inquiry becomes whether Oprah’s organize OWN can make a similar progress that TOWS accomplished or Oprah is overstretching her capacity and brand power ( ) . TOWS was communicated over the multi year time span and it developed to be one of the most sat in front of the network shows. The show had an expected viewership of 42 million week after week watchers in the US. It was additionally communicated in around 145 uniqu e nations. The ubiquity of the show was credited to the confession booth approach that the show had. It gave a gathering to individuals to share their story and was utilized as a stage to engage individuals to live better and more beneficial lives. The book club that Oprah framed as a portion of TOWS served to urge individuals to receive an understanding society. The greater part of the books chose for this job accomplished the hit status. Different brands that were embraced by Oprah likewise turned out to be tremendously effective. The accomplishment of the Oprah brand was additionally reached out to the online form or site for TOWS, which is, and to the O magazine. Oprah’s media adventures additionally included satellite radio when through an arrangement with XM satellite radio she began the station Oprah and companions, and later renamed the station Oprah radio. Beside her commitment to the media, Oprah is likewise a donor. She has consistently added to causes th at are planned for making training open for the hindered in various networks. Her commitment to instruction additionally incorporates beginning The Oprah Winfrey Academy for Girls, which is planned for enabling youthful burdened young ladies in South Africa. The institute looks to enable them to accomplish their fantasies and aspirations and furthermore create ladies in South Africa for authority positions ( The various brands that Oprah figured out how to make and develop to a triumph are regularly connected with her character and her face. This makes it simpler for individuals to relate to the brand and has prompted what is considered ‘the Oprah effect’. Her character has been perceived dependent on her capacity to speak the truth about various issues that have influenced her just as those that influence individuals everywhere throughout the world. She is in this manner considered as one of the most imp ressive feeling pioneers and shapers on the planet. Big name marking has been fruitless in a few cases. There is in this manner the worry that the new pursuit (OWN) by Oprah may bomb following an abuse or overexposure of Oprah as a brand. Superstar marking has turned out badly, for example, on account of Martha Stewart who was at one time a ground-breaking brand in a few occasions. Following validity gives that were achieved by her capture and imprisoning, the brand Martha Stewart became one that no one needed to have any sort of relationship with. In spite of numerous endeavors to restore the brand, individuals kept on maintaining a strategic distance from it and anything that was idea to have any type of

Monday, August 17, 2020

The Secret Strategy to Insane Productivity

The Secret Strategy to Insane Productivity The poster child for insane productivity is Elon Musk. I’m willing to bet that almost everyone is slightly jealous of Elon Musk. I know I am.I greatly admire his legendary work ethic. Due to his insane ability to push himself to work far harder than the average person can even dream of, Elon has made himself a living legend.He has revolutionized multiple industries and made himself and his companies incredibly valuable. This is the man who wants to send us to Mars â€" and he will most likely succeed!Do you ever read about the achievements of people like Musk and think that they must be superhuman?Do their achievements and incredible levels of productivity make them seem like geniuses, leaving you wondering whether it is possible for you to achieve similar levels of productivity?Well, here’s the thing â€" being highly productive is not a function of genius, neither do you need to be superhuman to reach such levels of productivity.Achieving insane levels of productivity is all abou t being hardworking, organized, and highly focused, and the good thing is that anyone can achieve high levels of productivity.Okay, you might not exactly get to Elon Musk’s level, but it’s definitely possible for you to operate at your highest level of productivity and achieve incredible accomplishments in your career.PRODUCTIVITY IN THE KNOWLEDGE ECONOMYIn business, productivity is a term that was traditionally used to define the level of output an employee provides.For instance, in a doll-making factory, the productivity of each worker is a measure of the number of dolls made by each worker per day.In businesses which involve making tangible things, productivity is easy to measure and ascertain. The problem is in companies based in the knowledge economy.It is not always possible to gauge someone’s productivity in the knowledge economy.You see in the past, companies put emphasis on production (output).However, the knowledge economy has shifted employee goals towards result-ba sed performance.Put simply, the impact of your work is now more important than merely completing batches of work.The knowledge economy and the adoption of technology has brought tremendous advantages to work culture.With mechanical tasks increasingly being automated, workers now have the chance to do work that they actually enjoy, work which enables them to express their creativity.However, the knowledge economy and technology have also brought certain disadvantages to the workplace.Today, a lot of work is done on computers, smartphones, and on the internet.The problem is that these tools of work are also rife with distractions. It is very much possible for an employee to sit at their desk accomplishing nothing.In the past, it was possible for a supervisor to look across the factory floor and immediately tell who was working and who wasn’t.Today, a supervisor looking across the office cannot tell who is actually working and who is liking memes on Facebook. You have probably experi enced such scenarios.You come to work with plans to get done with that report you have been working on. 30 minutes into your work, an email notification pops up on your screen. You decide to check it quickly and go back to your work.You open the email and find that your friend from the marketing department has sent you a link to this hilarious video on YouTube.Before you realize it, you have spent an hour watching stupid videos on YouTube instead of working on the report.Freelancers are especially prone to such distractions because they have no one looking over their shoulder.As a result, if a freelancer fails to instill self-discipline on himself, he or she can easily find himself zoning out on the internet, procrastinating endlessly, taking frequent breaks to get a snack, or jumping back and forth between tasks without achieving much.With such distractions, many people take an inventory at the end of the day and realize that they have hardly accomplished what they set out to do at the beginning of the day.Out of about seven or eight hours set for work per day, most people hardly work half of those hours. Somehow, much of their time is lost on non-work activities.Why does this happen? Why is it so hard to just sit down and focus on your work for several hours until it is done? And most importantly, what can be done about it?Is it really possible to do in one hour what normally takes you three or four hours? Is it possible to increase the quality of your work while working fewer hours?Yes, it is possible to get more work done in less time, and it all boils down to being intentional and highly focused with your work.But how do you become intentional and highly focused?This can be narrowed down to five key points.PLAN “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!” â€" Ben FranklinOne of the main reasons people fail to reach their optimum productivity is the feeling of being overwhelmed and drowning in tasks.If you have too many things on your plate, they e at away at your attention and drain your will.You feel so overwhelmed that you don’t even know where to start, and even when you get started, you can’t pay enough attention to the task at hand. This problem has a simple remedy. Plan!Create a schedule. It is crucial that you know exactly what you are supposed to be doing at every hour of your day.When activities are structured according to a set schedule, it focuses your attention and willpower on the one thing you are supposed to be doing at that particular moment.Another advantage of having a schedule is that you can batch secondary tasks in a set period of time so that when you start working on the primary/essential tasks, you will have no distractions and can give them all your concentration.Take emails, for instance. The average employee spends over 11 hours per week on emails alone. What is the first thing you do when you get to the office? If you are like most people, you probably check your emails.This is not necessarily bad.The problem is when you go down that rabbit hole and find yourself spending too much time answering emails.Before you know it, you have drained a big chunk of your morning energy on what is urgent (emails) rather than what is important (valuable, productive work).To avoid this, start your day by writing down a to-do list, outlining exactly what you wish to accomplish that day.Even better, you can create your to-do list in the evenings before you go to sleep, so when you wake up the next day you already know what you are going to do.Though this may not be possible with all workplaces, it is also important to indicate in your to-do list what time you will be undertaking each task.It doesn’t have to be specific.Just having a timeline and flow gives you a soothing sense of direction and purpose. It makes you feel calm and in control, and that goes a long way in helping you mow through your to-do list with energy and focus.When planning your day, isolate three big tasks which you a re determined to get done before the day is over. It is easy to lose track of your to-do list while chasing the day-to-day emergencies that tend to crop up.Having three large goals in your to-do list ensures that no matter what happens in the course of the day, you will have accomplished at least have three important tasks.CUT DISTRACTIONSWe are probably the most distracted generation to ever exist.Thanks to smart phones, computers, and the internet, we are inundated with a hundred distractions.At every second of the day, we are bombarded with social media notifications, incoming emails, text messages, phone calls, app update requests… the list is endless.We are addicted to our phones.The last thing most of us look at when we go to sleep is our phones. They are also the first thing we look at when we wake up in the morning.When we are in a queue and start to feel bored, we automatically reach for our phones.We have forgotten what boredom feels like. The moment we begin to feel a l ittle discomfort as boredom starts to creep in, we find something to fill our time. We are spoilt for choice when it comes to entertainment.Chatting on social media, videos on You Tube, questions and answers on Quora, topic-specific chats on Reddit, music on SoundCloud, computer games and game apps, you name it.Unfortunately, our smartphone addiction has extended into our workplaces. Employees will often cut short their work to laugh at funny videos or read about the latest trending topic on BuzzFeed.We are living in the attention economy. Attention is one of the most valuable resources in the world today. If you can grab people’s attention, you can build an empire.This is the secret behind the success of companies such as Facebook, BuzzFeed, YouTube, and Reddit. It also explains the success of YouTube personalities, Instagram models, and the famous Kadarshian family.Attention attracts advertising dollars. Websites and apps like Facebook are deliberately engineered to grab and hol d your attention for as long as possible.As a result, what seems like a harmless pastime has become a dangerous addiction, and it is seriously affecting our productivity.Workers in the knowledge economy find themselves increasingly unable to maintain focus when working.This has become a very common scenario.You are on the internet doing some research for a work project.An interesting link catches your eye and you click on it. One link leads to another and you fall down the rabbit hole.Three hours later you find yourself feeling terrible, filled with self-loathing because you have wasted your entire afternoon with nothing to show for it.Does that sound like you? If it does, the solution to your problem is both easy and hard. All you have to do is get rid of all your favorite distractions.Delete the apps that waste your time. Install an app-blocker on your phone or a website-blocker plugin in your computer’s browser that will help you block your favorite addictions for specific peri ods of time.When working, turn off your smartphone notifications.Turn off cookies for sites like You Tube to ensure they don’t provide a tailored homepage that contains all your favorite topics/videos.You can even go to extreme lengths by switching your phone off when you start working.Simply identify your main distractors and bear hard on them. Yes, leave nothing to chance. Your productivity will thank you for it.STOP PROCRASTINATING“Procrastination is a thief of time.”It began when you were in school. You would put off assignments until the night before the deadline.Others who were more diligent would start their work early and work on it at a leisurely pace.They had time to do research, think, experiment, and work on producing a great report.On the night before the deadline, fear roused you from your lethargy and you would start working on the assignment at a feverish pace.You practically plagiarized information from the internet or from the books you were reading because y ou did not have the time to digest the information and present it in your own words.You almost didn’t finish on time. In fact, you were positive that there were some things you left out. You knew you did a poor job.You still pass though, somehow. You got average marks for average work, though you were more naturally intelligent than many of your diligent classmates who got top marks.You didn’t think it was such a big deal. Unfortunately this shadow has followed you all your life. It followed you to the workplace.You always do your work at the last minute, and you have been reprimanded for it one or two times.If this describes you, your problem is procrastination. You put off things to the last minute. Procrastination is a classic act of self-sabotage.Serial procrastinators never achieve much, no matter how talented, intelligent, or skilled they are.Sooner or later, everyone gets fed up with them: their bosses, clients, colleagues, friends, even their family.In his book The War o f Art, writer Steven Pressfield narrates his lifelong struggle with procrastination, how it ruined his life, and how he eventually became a proactive, productive, and highly successful writer, with screenplays, novels, and non-fiction titles under his belt.In the book, Pressfield calls procrastination “resistance”. Like all great wisdom that tells us how to live our best life, the trick that Pressfield discovered about overcoming resistance is both very easy and very hard. It is easy to understand and hard to implement.The key to winning the war against resistance, Pressfield reveals, is simply to work. It is to sit down every day at your desk and do the work you are supposed to be doing. All you have to do is start.Besides, when you actually think about it, you will realize that you have nothing to lose. Just start working on that project. Start writing that novel. Start doing that research. Make that first phone call.Type that first sentence. Just start. You have nothing to lo se. On the other hand, you have everything to lose if you don’t put in the work.Start working and keep going.The first two minutes or even five minutes may be difficult.After a while, though, the resistance fades away.You hit your stride and you cruise on the momentum you have developed.Continue working until you complete the job or hit your quota for the day.DEEP WORKIf you are struggling with developing a good work ethic and increasing not only your productivity in terms of quantity of work done, but also the quality, you might gain a few insights from Cal Newport’s book, Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World.Deep work, Newport claims, is the most valuable skill in the 21st century, particularly for knowledge workers.He defines deep work it as the ability to starve your distractions and focus intensely on a task that is cognitively demanding.Deep work enables you to internalize complicated information or skills quickly.Those who master the art of deep work not only become extremely valuable in their line of work, but they also become happier as they develop the sense of true fulfillment that comes from producing something worthwhile and completing your tasks in time.In the highly competitive workplace environment of the 21st century, deep work is practically a superpower.Those who channel their energies into deep work are able to achieve 10X productivity while others are barely struggling to be average, what with all the distractions weighing them down.Another advantage of deep work is that enables us to live our most fulfilling lives. If you develop a skill that is rare and valuable in your field, you will command high rates, which means you can define your own work schedule.The same is true if you develop the habit of completing your tasks in time: it opens up your time, so you can spend more of it doing the things that you love.A lifestyle dedicated to deep work is the polar opposite of the lives most of us are living today.Thanks to smartphones and the limitless plethora of entertainment available to us, many of us have dedicated our lives to distraction.The deep work lifestyle avoids distraction and doubles down on the work that really matters.Cal Newport provides a number of tips to help you get in the deep work groove.Here are a few of them:Avoid social media â€" Newport argues that we don’t actually need Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and the other social media sites, though it often feels as if we can’t do without them. He provides case studies of people who have succeeded enormously without having to “build a brand”. If you can’t delete your social media accounts, at least limit the time you spend on them. Install plugins or apps that block these sites during your work hours.Focus on the wildly important tasks.Track yourself, so as to keep yourself honest about how much time you are spending on the priority project.Avoid shallow work â€" Things like checking email or filling in a spreadsheet. These are tasks that are not cognitively demanding, which you can perform while distracted.To summarize, focus first on the valuable, cognitively-demanding tasks, don’t multi-task, and avoid distractions.That way, you will complete your projects in no time and also guarantee quality.GRITWhen it comes to increasing their productivity, most people focus on tools and techniques and focus on the most important thing â€" actual work. In truth, all the productivity tools and techniques mean nothing if you don’t put in the work.That project won’t do itself.It takes effort and time, and you have to put in both of these.It doesn’t matter what productivity tools you use to plan your day and cut out distractions.If you don’t actually put in the work, you will accomplish nothing at the end of the day.This is the sweat-factor of productivity. It’s the easiest thing to understand and one of the hardest thing to implement. In her bestselling book Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseve rance, Angela Duckworth calls it “grit”.According to Angela, the secret to outstanding accomplishment in any field is not talent, but rather a blend of persistence and passion, which is what she calls “grit.”This persistence is also expressed by Cal Newport when he observes that in his experience, the most common trait that he has consistently observed in achievers is “an obsession with completion”.He explains that for this type of people, when a project falls into their lap, they are filled with an almost compulsive drive to finish it.On one side, productivity is about being organized and planning how you spend your time.On the other side, productivity is also about putting in the work and persisting for extended periods of time to complete a task or project. This is what is referred to as grit.Grit is a rare quality nowadays. The ability to push yourself to do hard things in a word that is rife on distractions will make you stand out in a crowd.It is impossible to enga ge in deep work without grit. Grit is a state of mind, it is an attitude.Develop it and your days of procrastinating and underperforming at work or school will be over.WRAPPING UPHigh achievers do not attain their lofty peaks because of their innate genius or talent.It helps, sure, but the world is full of destitute geniuses and wasted talents. Some of the most successful and productive people you know are probably less smarter or talented than you are.What matters when it comes to productivity is planning ahead, never postponing work, eliminating distractions, and immersing yourself in a task and persisting at it until you complete it.Follow these guidelines and you will certainly be able to achieve insane levels of productivity.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Freud s Theory Of Psychosexual Development Essay

In this assignment, we are to take a theorist from a selected list and explain their theory. Once we explain the theory, we are then to compare and contrast from a biblical perspective. One of the most famous theorist the world has ever known is a man by the name of Sigmund Freud. Now Freud’s theory of Psychosexual Development is the philosophy I chose to discuss because it is by far in my opinion one of the silliest and most controversial of all the theories I have a chance to explore. At first glance you will totally get the wrong idea about the theory. I mean seriously, Pyscho-â€Å"sexual†, seemed kind of creepy to me. Then again, popular opinion was that Sigmund Freud was a creepy man; yes, he may have been somewhat of a genius, however he was indeed creepy. His theory basically pronounced how temperament of an individual developed over the course of childhood and it is one of the most renowned theories in psychology. Freud believed that behavior advanced through a sequences of childhood stages in which the self-satisfaction energies of the id become fixated on definite erogenous areas. In this concept we must first recognize, according to Freud, that the psychosexual vigor, or rather libido, is described as the driving force behind behavior. According to our research, psychoanalytic theory actually proposes that personality is mostly established by the tender age of five. It is also said that early life familiarities play an enormous role in personality progressShow MoreRelatedFreud s Theory Of Psychosexual Development1055 Words   |  5 Pageslife, people see development in different ways. From birth to death, the developmental process is very complex. There are many theorists who have researched what a person goes through and the ir behavior. They have established a set of guidelines and stages that a person should go through or be doing at certain times throughout life. Thus, this paper will aim to discuss the three main theories of development; Freud’s theory, Erikson’s theory, and Piaget’s theory. Sigmund Freud is the one who hasRead MoreSigmund Freud s Theory Of Psychosexual Development1813 Words   |  8 PagesSigmund Freud is considered one of the most famous and controversial figures in the field of psychology. Originating from his work, the psychoanalytic theory has influenced and motivated many others, neo-Freudians, to expand on Freud’s beliefs and create their own theories. Using the clinical data from his work with mental health patients, Freud created the theory of psychosexual development to explain how one’s personality is developed in stages, formed through experiences during childhood and unconsciousRead MoreSigmund Freud s Theory Of Psychosexual Development908 Words   |  4 PagesThe first theory that can relate to this issue is Sigmund Freud’s theory of psychosexual development. And this is sexual and emotional development during our life course. And there is three parts to this, the id, ego, and superego. For the id it is the unconscio us personality and this is present from birth. It strives for the needs, the wants, and all desires. And this relates to my story because my needs where not met at time where I needed it the most. My mom did not give that attention that soRead MoreSigmund Freud s Theory Of Psychosexual Development1550 Words   |  7 PagesSigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis. In his life Freud was a medical doctor, psychologist, physiologist, and an influential thinker. Freud is most known for his in depth exploration of the human mind. In this paper I take an in depth look at the life Freud lived, all the way from when he was born to when he tragically died. I also take a look at multiple influential theories he created which led to many different breakthrough when it comes to the study of the mind. His most popular theory thatRead MoreSigmund Freud And Erik Erikson s Theory Of Psychosexual Development1806 Words   |  8 Pages 2 Parental actions can influence both positive and negative developments in the personalities of children. These developments begin at birth and continue throughout the lifespan. Parenting can be difficult at times, but what one must remember is that the actions of parents in the early stages of their children’s life can be the most significant. Of all the theorists who have studied the development of personality, Sigmund Freud and Erik Erikson have been the most influential in explaining howRead MoreFreud s Theory Of Psychosexual Stages Of Development And Costa And Mccrae s Five Factor Model2237 Words   |  9 PagesAbstract Freud’s theory of psychosexual stages of development and Costa and McCrae’s Five Factor model were compared to assess the personality of a woman named Judy, experiencing difficulty in her primary relationships and day to day functioning. The main purposes of the study is to explain how each theorist would assess Judy’s behavior and identify the strengths and weaknesses of each approach and further the differences and any similarities found. The key strength of Costa and McCrae’s modelRead MoreSigmund Freud s Theory Of Development1000 Words   |  4 PagesFreud’s psychosexual theory of development is and why it is important for the developing child to overcome said conflicts. I also talked about the different effects of not overcoming the conflicts Freud had determined that would lead to adult behaviors. Over the years, Sigmund Freud has created many theories involving many different ideas in the psychological world. One theory that stood out to me throughout our journey in introduction to psychology is Freud’s developmental theory. Freud s developmentRead MoreShedding Light On Freud s Controversial Psychoanalytic Theory1525 Words   |  7 PagesPsychoanalytic Theory Krystle D. Kraft St. Johns River State College: Human Growth and Development Shedding Light on Freud’s Controversial Psychoanalytic Theory Psychoanalytic theories suggest that developmental changes happen due to the power of internal drives and emotions. Sigmund Freud, a Viennese physician, is said to be the founding father of this theory. He believed biological impulses, such as a need for food and sex, were the driving impulses for personality development (Denise BoydRead MoreTheories And Theory Of Psychosocial Development Essay1255 Words   |  6 Pages 1 Theories Theorist Tiffany Leaf Walden University Dr. Thomas Russo RSCH – 61007-6 Research Theory Life is full of many experiences and challenges which help individuals to grow and become better people. There has been tons of research to better understand how and why humans develop and grow the way they do. Among the many theories and therapist in the field of psychology, I have chosen psychosexual and psychosocial development to provide basic tenets, explainRead MoreSigmund Freud s Theory Of Psychology1356 Words   |  6 PagesSigmund Freud was an Austrian neurologist, also known as the founding father of Psychoanalysis. Freud discovered psychoanalysis by organizing ideas and information from different theories and clinical observations. Psychoanalysis is A method of analyzing psychic phenomena and treating mental and emotional disorders that is based on the concepts and theories of Sigmund Freud, that emphasizes the importance of free association and dream analysis, and that involves treatment sessions during which the

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Drug Effects on the Community - 2716 Words

Do people ever think about the consequences about drug abuse? Not many of us do but we all know what it does to us. Drugs are harmful to the brain and the body system itself; they affect the heart in many ways and because of that people become unconscious as to what their actions are. They do not realize how badly they can harm the community around them. Drugs are normally used by those who are not involved in activities such as, religious clubs, sports, etc. The users are normally stressed out with life and at times they just need something to set their minds aside from problems which occur in their everyday life. There are many reasons as to why and how drugs affect the community around the drug user however; there are also reasons†¦show more content†¦They believe in taking risks and trying new things because they are interested in what it does to them and how. Teenagers arent aware at all times about the drug and how it can affect the body but they are aware of th e fact that it is harmful. Adolescents try things because they think that since their friends are doing it, it is cool to be like them because they assume that drugs make us feel good about ourselves. They believe it reduces stress however it is hard to keep a teenager away from testing such things because this is the time where they ask for their independence. Teenagers are likely to get involved with drugs if they have a history of drug abuse, if they are depressed, if they have a low self-esteem, and if they are left out of groups or clubs which make them feel unwanted. These types of acts should be avoided and the teenager should join all the clubs and/or groups they possibly can so they can stay out of deviance. The teenagers themselves are always the drug users; the parents of the child can be abusing him/her with the use of drugs and is not willing to seek help for it. They believe that being the parent has no influence on the child if they smoke because in school the ch ild is learning not to. However, the child is influenced by the parent more than anyone else that is in contact with them. It is hard to take someone away from that type of mentality that just because theirShow MoreRelatedDrug Use And Its Effects On The Community1474 Words   |  6 PagesDrug use doe not only affect the users but also have a devastating effect on the wider community as a whole. This includes their friends, families, government resources and businesses. Economically, when the effects are quantified an estimated $180.9 billion is lost annually due to drug use as reported by ONDCP in 2002. Drug abusers experience several severe health effects ranging from ill-health, general sickness to death. Different drugs used by an individual has different health effects suchRead MoreEssay about Drug Effects on the Community2658 Words   |  11 Pages nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Do people ever think about the consequences about drug abuse? Not many of us do but we all know what it does to us. Drugs are harmful to the brain and the body system itself; they affect the heart in many ways and because of that people become unconscious as to what their actions are. They do not realize how badly they can harm the community around them. Drugs are normally used by those who are not involved in activities such as, religious clubs, sports, etc. The usersRead MoreThe War On Drugs And Its Effects On Children, Families And Communities3276 Words   |  14 PagesThe War on Drugs has led to an increase in the mass incarceration of people of color and minorities, which is a problem in the United St ates. In the past thirty years, the number of females jailed across the country, many of whom are poor with mental health and drug problems. The increase in the incarceration of females has had a devastating impact on their children, families and communities. This paper will describe the authors of Upper Bunkies Unit and Orange Is the New Black who wrote theirRead MoreThe Social Effect of Dangerous Drugs on Communities and the Criminal Justice System1838 Words   |  8 PagesWhat are the social effect of dangerous drugs on communities and the criminal justice system? We as a society have this ability to have to label all things, good and bad. If we didn’t we wouldn’t be able to live with ourselves. I am just joking, what I really mean, is all we hear in the news or read in the paper is how screwed up society really is. How bad the drug problem is. Well first, what are Dangerous Drugs? Drugs are chemicals that change the way a person’s body works. You’ve probably heardRead MorePolice Detection On The Drug Side Effect Network Using Walktrap Community Detection Algorithm1426 Words   |  6 Pages 3.6 Community detection Figure 9. Community detection on the drug side-effect network using walktrap community detection algorithm. There were 61 communities detected in the network with the largest community consists of 35 drugs and smallest ones consist of only two drugs. As a result of using walktrap community detection algorithm, there were 61 communities detected altogether. The biggest community consists of 35 drugs and the smallest ones consist of two drugs. 4 Discussion 4.1 ImprovementRead MoreThe Signs Of Addiction And Addiction898 Words   |  4 Pages Families can do different things that can help with addiction. According to Alcohol and Drug Abuse Affects Everyone in the Family (2015), families can learn the facts about drugs and addiction so they can know what to expect. The family needs to make sure they get help for themselves other than getting help for the addicted person, but also learn what they can do to help the addicted family member. They would maybe need to get a family intervention and always look for a long term recovery. The familyRead MorePrescription Drug Abuse1298 Words   |  5 PagesPrescription drugs are being taken for reasons other than the ones they are being prescribed for, fueling an addiction that impacts as many as 48 million Americans (Prescription Drug Abuse WebMD). According to MedLinePlus, an estimated 20 percent of people in the United States have used prescription drugs for nonmedical reasons. This is prescrip tion drug abuse. While a considerable amount of time, resources, and attention are focused on the problems associated with illicit drugs, prescription drug abuseRead MoreThe Movie The Wolf On Wall Street Essay1369 Words   |  6 PagesDaring to Defy Drug Abuse If you have ever seen the movie The Wolf on Wall Street, there is no doubt you have seen the effects drugs can have. Leonardo DiCaprio portrays a high-strung stock broker reliant on a multitude of illegal drugs to keep up with his hectic life style. His addiction gets so severe that at one point in the movie, he is lying on the floor, unable to move due to the drugs’ effects on his body. Even though the movie is set in the 90’s, a decade infamous for its use of drugs, today, drugRead MoreThe Needle Exchange Program And Methadone Clinics Promote Public Health902 Words   |  4 Pagesclinics promote the abuse of drugs. The harm reduction approach intends to treat and educate addicts in hopes they will stop the abuse and decrease the rate of disease. Not all drug addicts are criminals, and those who are not criminals may actually have a â€Å"true† addiction or illness. Instead of criminally charging those individuals, the policy is trying to connect with them to g et the actual help they need. For years now, the United States has attempted to ban such drug use with no success. The governmentRead MoreThe War On Drugs And Mass Incarceration Essay1439 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction The War on Drugs and Mass Incarceration have been two very well-known topics of society. While these have taken place during the Cold War, there is still a continuance in them today. The impact that has been left on society from these issues have stuck around, while mass incarceration is still of talk today. War on Drugs The War on Drugs not only has many acts that have been in place due to it, but there has been a domino effect with other topics. The War on Drugs has become a complicated

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Customer Services Free Essays

Unit 1 Assessment Assessment You should use this file to complete your Assessment. †¢ The first thing you need to do is save a copy of this document, either onto your computer or a USB drive †¢ Then work through your Assessment, remembering to save your work regularly †¢ When you’ve finished, print out a copy to keep for reference †¢ Then, go to www. vision2learn. We will write a custom essay sample on Customer Services or any similar topic only for you Order Now com and send your completed Assessment to your tutor via your My Study area – make sure it is clearly marked with your name, the course title and the Unit and Assessment number. Please note that this Assessment document has 13 pages and is made up of 5 Sections. Name: Organisation: Which organisation(s) are you basing your answers to this assessment on? If you are currently working, you may wish to base it on the organisation which employs you. Can you provide a brief description of this organisation? (Please note you will not be marked on this; it is simply to provide your tutor with a brief outline. ) Section 1 – Understand the factors that affect an organisation and the customer service role 1. Complete the table below with a description of the products and services for at least two commercial organisations, public organisations and third sector organisations. Please ensure you provide a description for each organisation, rather than a list. |Organisation type |Name of organisation |Description of products and services | |Commercial | |Their products are Italian fashion related, such as clothes, shoes | |organisation |Monaco Couture |and accessories. Friendly customer services and value for money | | |Retail |products. | | | | | |Commercial |Wilton Patisserie |Wilton is a Greek bakery that has a huge cake selection for every | |organisation | |occasion. They make fresh pastries, bread, cookies and other | | | |related savouries and sweets baked goods, you can also find | | | |sandwiches and hot or cold drinks. They are focused in providing | | | |value for money product and friendly customer services. | |Public |Police |Activity it applies at the level of national security. Their | |organisation | |activities are directly coordinated by the government. Their task | | | |is, however, not profit, but to provide the necessary services to | | | |the government and citizen | |Public |Fire brigades |Fire-fighters    are rescuers extensively trained in fire fighting, | |organisation | |primarily to extinguish hazardous fires that threaten property and | | | |civilian or natural populations and to rescue people from dangerous| | | |situations, such as collapsed or burning buildings. | | | | | |Third sector organisation |Charities |A charitable organization is a type of non-profit organization | | | |(NPO). It differs from other types of NPOs in that it centres on | | | |non-profit and philanthropic goals as well as social well-being | | | |(e. g. haritable, educational, religious, or other activities | | | |serving the public interest or common good). | |Third sector organisation |Hospices |Hospice an institution working in palliative care within the health| | | |system. | 2. Complete the table below by describing the differe nces in customer service between commercial, public and third sector organisations. You should outline customer service roles in each organisation and highlight the differences in how customer service is carried out across these organisations. Organisation type |Description of customer service and | | |the differences between organisations | |Commercial | | |organisation | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Public | | |organisation | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Third sector | | |organisation | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 3. In relation to your current organisation (or one that you are familiar with), outline the part that customer service plays in this organisation and its industry as a whole. 4. Who are the major competitors to your current organisation (or one that you are familiar with)? 5. Identify at least two factors that could affect the reputation of your current organisation (or one that you are familiar with). Section 2 – Understand employee rights, responsibilities and organisational procedures 1. Use the table below to give details of employer and employee rights and responsibilities under employment law and the importance of having these (consider the importance to the organisation, employees and customers, where relevant). You should include at least two employer rights / responsibilities and at least two employee rights / responsibilities in your answer. Rights and responsibilities |Why are they important? | |1. Employer | | | | | | | | | | | |2. Employer | | | | | | | | | | | |1. Employee | | | | | | | | | | | |2. Employee | | | | | | | | | | | 2. Give details of employer and employee rights and responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act. You should include at least two employer rights / responsibilities and at least two employee rights / responsibilities in your answer. |Who? Rights / responsibilities under Health and Safety at Work Act | | | | |Employer | | | | | |Employer | | | | | |Employee | | | | | |Employee | | 3. In relation to your current organisation (or one that you are familiar with), describe the organisation’s procedures for health and safety and any relevant documentation that is used. If possible, provide relevant health and safety policies / documents from the organisation to support your answer. These documents should be annotated to highlight the relevant sections. 4. Outline how the Disability Discrimination Act relates to employment. 5. In addition to the information provided in the questions above, identify the other key legislation that specifically relates to your chosen organisation and its industry as a whole. 6. Describe the procedures followed by your chosen organisation in relation to equality and diversity. Your answer should include details of any monitoring that takes place and documentation used to support this monitoring. Section 3 – Understand career pathways within customer service 1. Describe at least two different types of career pathways that may be available within a customer service role. 2. Identify a range of sources where a person can find information and advice on the customer service industry, occupations and career progression. | | |Information relating to: |Source(s) | | | | |Customer service industry | | | | | |Occupation | | | | | |Career progression | | 3. In your current organisation (or one that you are familiar with), what methods of learning are available to help wi th career progression? 4. In your current organisation (or one that you are familiar with), what is the procedure for accessing formal learning programmes? What is the procedure if an application for access to learning is refused? If possible, provide relevant organisational procedures to support your answer. These documents should be annotated to highlight the relevant sections. 5. Explain how new customer service situations can help with self-development and career progression. Section 4 – Understand how employees are supported within the customer service role 1. Identify a range of sources where a person can find information and advice on employment rights and responsibilities. You should identify at least three sources of information in your answer. 2. Complete the table below, identifying the representative bodies related to your chosen organisation / industry. You should also include details of the main roles and responsibilities of these bodies and their relevance to the organisation / industry. |Representative body |Roles and responsibilities |Relevance | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 3. For a customer service role in your current organisation (or one that you are familiar with), use the table below to provide details of the support that is available in relation to the following issues: a) Equality b) Health and safety c) Career progression |Issue |Sources of support |Equality | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Health and safety | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Career progression | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Section 5 – Know the organisation’s policies and procedures Please answer all of the questions in this Section in relation to your current organisation (or one that you are familiar with). 1. Use the table below to describe the main principles, policies and procedures of your chosen organisation. You should also include details of documentation used to support these principles, policies and procedures. |Description |Supporting documentation | |Principles | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Policies | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Procedures | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 2. How are the organisation’s principles communicated to employees? Explain this below. 3. Outline the policies and codes of practice that are adopted by the organisation. How are employees made aware of these policies and codes of practice? 4. Explain how employees are involved with and consulted on changes to the princi ples, procedures and policies within the organisation. 5. Use the table below to identify issues of public concern relating to the industry and organisation, and describe how these issues are addressed / dealt with. Issues of public concern |How they are addressed / dealt with | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Once you have completed all 5 Sections of this Assessment, go to www. vision2learn. com and send your work to your tutor for marking. How to cite Customer Services, Essay examples

Monday, May 4, 2020

Diversity and Gender Composition on Corporate

Question: Discuss about the Diversity and Gender Composition on Corporate. Answer: Introduction This report is based on Wesfarmers; a leading Australian based company recruits its staff under the grounds of gender diversity so as to offer satisfactory returns to its shareholders. Gender diversity affects both female and male sex in Wesfarmers employees performance (Bear, Rahman, and Post, 2010, p. 207). Enhancing gender diversity in the human resource of an organisation is costly to the firm since different gender requires different resources to perform. The purpose of this report is to explain the importance and objectives of gender diversity towards the success of Wesfarmers. Objectives of Gender Diversity Wesfarmers step to enhance gender diversity in its operations play significant roles in improving equality of human rights. This report seeks to achieve two distinct goals as given below: To promote equity without discrimination and specifically eliminate any forms of inequality on gender identity, religion, beliefs, race, and sex. In Wesfarmers, gender diversity and equality is viewed as a blueprint for better management. When it comes to promotion, retention, and recruitment, the managers should do it fairly based on the skills, experience, and expertise of the interested members (Chapple and Humphrey, 2014, p. 710). The promotion of fairness results to improved productivity and profitability of a firm to the anticipated levels as set in the strategic plan. Anticipated Outcome Equity and equity in the recruitment, promotion, and hiring of employees by Wesfarmers HRM motivates the employees to improve their productivity level (Chapple and Humphrey, 2014, p. 708). The principal objective of enhancing gender diversity within the workplace is to promote equity for all stakeholders without any discrimination on the grounds of religion, beliefs, and races. The recruitment of employees by Wesfarmers should be set to be done after every six months or as at when required. The ability to promote the current employees is based on their skills, experience, and knowledge and thus should be done on this basis after one year (Dobbin and Jung, 2011, p. 84). Gender diversity requires that practitioners be gender sensitive in the resource allocation to various stakeholders, thus retaining employees is encouraged by a regular supply of adequate resources. The inability to promote gender diversity by the human resource management of Wesfarmers is risky to the success of the firm. The reputation of the enterprise to the public is tarnished. The employees perform below their capabilities (Hoogendoorn, Oosterbeek, and Van Praag, 2013, p. 1518). Further, there may be high rates of strikes by both the members of society and the workers of Wesfarmers. Evaluation Method Gender diversity plays a sensitive role in the mapping of an organisation's objectives. To evaluate the level of equity and fairness in the workplace, participatory, labour mapping, mobility mapping, and attitude mapping evaluation approaches are employed (Dobbin and Jung, 2011, p. 77). Gender mainstreaming methods is highly used in the measurement of fairness and equity in the workplace. To encourage the understanding and support of human rights by creating resolutions to advance a diverse and equitable approach to human rights as well as strengthening the capability of civic society. The question of whether men or women should undertake certain duties is resolved through the creation of a strong business culture. Under this objective, the management of Wesfarmers seeks to implement unity, strengthen employees capabilities, and training them on efficient work methods and make them feel as important assets of the company (Bear, Rahman, and Post, 2010, p. 200). With training and development of employees, the company improves productivity since the staff are highly motivated to work with high morale (Dobbin and Jung, 2011, p. 89). The implementation of unity reduces sources of conflicts and thus ensuring employees work in the right direction. Strengthening employees capabilities lead to improved productivity. Timeline and Resources The ability to incorporate gender diversity effectively in the organisation's programs enables the leadership to design the appropriate products that the two genders demand. Training and development of employees should be done as at when required and no longer than four months on average (Dobbin and Jung, 2011, p. 92). The management should organise seminars where the personnel is taught the importance of peace in the workplace, and adequate resources allocated. Training promotes employees capabilities, and this is done after every four months. Failure to understand the importance of supporting human rights in a business setting has a risk that the company may lose market in the business environment (Hoogendoorn, Oosterbeek, and Van Praag, 2013, p. 1520). Improper understanding of the market demands both female and male gender results to poor decision making when supplying products in the market. The provision of poor quality products chases away the customers of Wesfarmers. In the assessment of the effectiveness of this approach to realising the set goals of gender diversity, a division of labour mapping, mobility mapping, attitude mapping, and body power walk methods are usable. These helps in detecting the risk approaches undertaken by the company in addressing gender diversity problems. Conclusion Gender diversity plays a crucial role in the success of an organisation. With active recruitment and retention approaches, healthy organisational climate and culture are enhanced (Dobbin and Jung, 2011, p. 92). Therefore, organisations should establish a healthy workplace by rewarding creativity and innovation that celebrate diversity. References Bear, S., Rahman, N. and Post, C., 2010. The impact of board diversity and gender composition on corporate social responsibility and firm reputation.Journal of Business Ethics,97(2), pp. 207-221. Chapple, L. and Humphrey, J.E., 2014. Does board gender diversity have a financial impact? Evidence using stock portfolio performance.Journal of Business Ethics,122(4), pp.709-723. Dobbin, F., and Jung, J., 2011. Corporate board gender diversity and stock performance: The competence gap or institutional investor bias?.North Carolina Law Review,89. Hoogendoorn, S., Oosterbeek, H. and Van Praag, M., 2013. The impact of gender diversity on the performance of business teams: Evidence from a field experiment.Management Science,59(7), pp.1514-1528

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Environmental constraints Essay Example

Environmental constraints Essay If there is a new act of parliament (law) about the amount of waste you can produce or the amount of recycling you must do Ikea will be affected. The affect of this is not good for Ikea because Ikea would then have to pay a firm to dispose of the excess waste by recycling. This will cost Ikea dearly because they have many outlets which will need this service.  If there is new act of parliament (law) about the amount of vehicles on the road or the type of fuel used to power vehicles which include liquid patrolmen gas or electricity. Ikea will be affected by this because they have many delivery tucks around the world so may need to change the fuels they use which may be much more expensive, so Ikea will have less money to spend on improvements or designing new products. If there is new act of parliament (law) about the hours you can use noisy machinery, this will affect Ikea. Ikea will be affected because they would have to limit the amount of products they make which will lead to loss of profit.  If there is a new act of parliament (law) about smoking Ikea would be affected because many customers may smoke, and may not go to Ikea because of the smoking band. If there is a new act of parliament (law) about the amount of space Ikea can take up, Ikea must then build their stores tall and thin to save the environments landscape. If this does accrue Ikea must then spend more money on the structure of the building so there will be less money to spend on refurbishing. Richards Paints  Competitors  If Richards paints has a new competitor which has bought a plot near their site which also sold bespoke industrial paint, Richards Pants would be affected. This affect on Richards Paints would be bad because their prices are quite high and will lose all their customers so will be out of business. Richards Paints could prevent this from happening by lowering prices; they could provide lowered prices by buying cheaper raw materials so could sell paint for less money. We will write a custom essay sample on Environmental constraints specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Environmental constraints specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Environmental constraints specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Richards Paints could also advertise more in local trade magazines which will make their business better known so customers will most likely buy paint from them if they know the company.On the other hand if there are fewer competitors Richards paints will make more profit so will have money to spend on improvements.  Economic Conditions  The rise or fall of interest rates may affect Richards paints in a bad or good way. If Interest rates raise this will be a bad thing for Richards Paints because the owners will the have to pay more money back to the bank because of their mortgages and bank loans. To pay for the bills Richards paints could higher prices, buy cheaper raw materials or even advertise so more customers will purchase more paint, so their will more money to distribute on the bills.  Another way they are affect is their customers will also have tom pay more to the bank so will have less money to spend on a new paint job. Richards Paints could lower prices to make it possible for other businesses will pay for paint.  Furthermore if interest rates fall Richards Paints will be affected in a good way because they have to give less money to the bank and their customers will also have more money to spend on a new paint job. Because of this Richards Paints could rise prices a little so will then have more money to spend on paying their bills. The rise or fall of exchange rates may affect Richardss paints in a bad or good way.  If exchange rates fall the pound will be worth less, when Richardss paints purchase their raw materials from Asia. So if exchange rates fall the pound may be worth less in rupees, so Richards Paints will have to pay more for their raw materials. Because of this Richards Paints could wait until exchange rates rise so they have to pay less for their raw materials. Income tax may affect Richards Paints if the Income taxes fall or rise. The effect on Richards Paints could be good or bad. If income taxes fall this will mean many customers will have more money to spend, which means more profit. However if income taxes raise many customers will not be able to afford to buy industrial paint. Richardss paints could lower prices which will mean less profit but could mean more customers.  Cooperation tax affects Richards Paints; this can b   good or bad.  If Cooperation tax raises Richards paints must pay more money to the council from their profit which means less money for improvements. However if Cooperation tax falls Richards paints must then pay less money to the council.  Unemployment or occupation does not affect Richards Paints because other companies buy the industrial paint and not the public so can afford to pay for paint.  Environmental constraints  If there is a new act of parliament (law) about the amount of waste you can produce or the amount of recycling you must do Richards Paints produce a lot of waste but is not really affect because they already recycle their waste. If there is new act of parliament (law) about the amount of vehicles on the road or the type of fuel used to power vehicles which include liquid patrolmen gas or electricity. Richards paints could also use fewer delivery trucks, but this will mean less business.  If there is new act of parliament (law) about the hours you can use noisy machinery, this will affect Ikea.  Richards Paints will be affected because they would have to limit the amount of paint they make which will lead to loss of profit.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

7 Strategies for Landing Your Dream Job (Even If You Arent Qualified)

7 Strategies for Landing Your Dream Job (Even If You Arent Qualified) â€Å"Do what you love.† This is pretty common career advice, and you’ve probably heard it before. There’s just one catch- how do you get to that dream job, the job you really want? Especially if you don’t really have the experience or qualifications you need? All is not lost. Assuming you don’t want to jump from, say, retail clerk to astronaut, there are ways to help boost yourself up into your dream job. 1. Know What You WantIf you don’t have a goal in mind, it’ll be awfully difficult to set your path to get there. Before you start combing job listings or working on your resume, it’s important to know what your goal is here. This is especially true if your dream job is a bit of a stretch, professionally. Winging it won’t get you ahead here.If you’re having trouble deciding what that dream job can be, there are fun tools like this interactive dream job quiz that can help you speed up the thought process by taking your interests and offering real-world odds of getting a related job. (Sadly, it turns out my odds of becoming a TV-watching spy aren’t super high.)If you’re still not sure about how to juggle what you want to do versus what you’re qualified to do, career coach Laura Berman Fortgang has some great advice about how to cut through the noise and figure out what you want to get from your career:2. Know Your ValueExperience is a great attribute to have in your job hunt, but it’s not the only one. You also need to look at the quality of that experience: the skills and knowledge you have accumulated over time. Whether you’ve been working for 1  year or 15  years, you have steadily built your skills and your professional value. When you’re crafting your resume, think about using a format that showcases your skills, instead of using the traditional chronological format where you list your jobs, working backwards.3. See the Job Requirements as Gui delines, Not Set in StoneIf you think of the job description requirements as more of a starting point than an ironclad list of requirements, it can help remove some of that mental block to applying to a job that may be a reach. While some things may be non-negotiable (such as particular skills), other things may be more flexible if you have equivalent skills or experience. For example, if a job description calls for a Bachelor’s degree but you have an Associate’s and a number of skills related to the job, don’t let that scare you off. Just make sure you emphasize the qualities and skills that you do have to support the job description.4. Set Your StoryEveryone loves a good story- and hiring managers like a story that shows how great a person would be for this particular job. Your resume is the snapshot of your skills and professional experience, but your work doesn’t end there. You need to help set the narrative. Are you the savvy underdog looking to trad e up your skills for experience? Are you a bold career-changer looking to translate your skills and experience to a new industry? Your resume doesn’t tell a reader everything about you- just the highlights. This is why a cover letter can be essential, even in these days of automated submissions. Not only is it a chance to add more key words (more on that in a bit), but it lets you add some color and context about who you are, and summarize why you’re such a great fit for this position.If you don’t have tons of experience, it’s also a way to start the conversation about how your skills bridge a potential experience gap. Give the reader a reason to keep reading, instead of flipping ahead to the next resume. Work on your elevator pitch, which is a quick, succinct headline that answers three questions: who you are, what you do, and what you’re looking for. That’s the line you can hit in your cover letter, in a summary statement/objective on your resume, and again in the interview. This is your chance to set up your brand.5. Outsmart the Resume RobotsThese days, there’s a good chance that the first reader of your resume/application package isn’t even human. No offense to the robots out there, but this is not ideal if you’re trying to punch above your weight class, professionally. The smartest thing you can do here is know exactly what the company is looking for- and you have the job description right in front of you to help you do that. Make sure your resume and cover letter are hitting the key words that jump out of the job description- especially the ones related to experience, education, and skills. This is also where careful proofreading of your resume comes in handy; you want to make sure that your high-priority key words are spelled correctly, and match the way they’re presented in the job description. You don’t want to lie, but if you’re trying to get somewhat creative with y our qualifications, hitting as many of the key points from the job description as possible may get you past the first round, and one step closer to an interview where you can wow them with the skills you do have.6. Network Like CrazyYour network isn’t just a nice little collection of Twitter handles or LinkedIn headshots. These are people whose experience and professional kinship can help boost you from faceless applicant to contender. According to LinkedIn, a whopping 85% (!) of jobs are filled by network referrals. Why is this? Filling open jobs is time-consuming and expensive, and companies like to feel good about the choice and investment they’re making.Having someone else vouch for an applicant can help make that process easier, and push the applicant higher on the list than they might have made it if they just went through the usual process of 1) find job; 2) apply online; 3) wait for HR rep to call. Having someone talk up your skills and fitness for the job is i mmensely helpful. And you never know when an opening or an opportunity may pop up from your old boss, or that guy who sat next to you in Accounting class. Keeping these relationships fresh, and making an effort to attend industry events or networking events is definitely worth your time.7. Package Yourself CarefullyYou already know you need a resume, but that’s merely the first step. If it’s been a while since you redid your resume from scratch, guess what? Now’s the time to burn that sucker to the ground (not literally- no fire hazards, please) and create a new one for the opportunities you want:What Your Resume Should Look Like in 2017Here’s the Number One Resume Mistake You’re MakingWhat’s the Best Format for Your Resume?Your 5-Question Resume ChecklistAnd as always, it’s important to make sure you’re tailoring your resume to match the job you want. Customizing your resume doesn’t take long, and it can mean the differ ence between Joe, the Generic Okay Job Applicant and Joe, the Impressive Interview Candidate Who Would Fit in At Rodeo Clown Inc.But don’t neglect the other pieces here- the cover letter can be an essential part of your applicant package, especially when you’re trying to level up:Important Cover Letter Trends in 2017 That Will Help Your Job Search5 Must Haves for an Effective Cover Letter4 Steps to Writing a Kick-Ass Cover LetterAnd don’t skimp on interview prep, so that you’re ready when the call comes. Make sure your interview outfit and lucky shoes are ready to go, and get yourself in interview fighting shape:7 Real Life Interview Mistakes You Can Learn FromThe Most Important Talking Points for Your Upcoming Interview12 Easy Steps to a Successful Job InterviewIt also can’t hurt to brush up on what not to do. A few cautionary tales can help your interview game when the time comes:5 Reasons You Just Had a Really Bad Interview10 Personal Things Not to Say in an InterviewAfter all, this is your dream job, and you don’t want to feel like you’re scrambling to cover weaknesses or a lack of experience. The more you practice and work on your total package, the smoother you’ll look when you’re finally presenting yourself as the ideal applicant.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Possible causes of destruction from space ( solar storms and possible Essay

Possible causes of destruction from space ( solar storms and possible impact from an asteroid or comet) that could lead to an apocalypse - Essay Example In that context, the longevity of earth is to a great extent a matter of coincidence and the spatial phenomenon like solar storms, and collision with asteroids or comets do have the potential to give way to an apocalypse. Before delving on the possible apocalyptic consequences of solar storms, one needs to delve into the scientific basis of these solar phenomenons. Simply speaking, a solar storm may refer to solar flare, Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) or a geomagnetic storm. The solar flares mostly get noticed as an abrupt brightening on the surface of the sun (Shipman, 1987, p. 266). This brightening of the solar surface is often interpreted as a massive release of energy of gargantuan proportions (Shipman, 1987, p. 266). The solar flares result into large scale ejections of atoms, ions and electrons from the sun’s corona into the space (Shipman, 1987, p. 266). These ejections of atomic and subatomic particles resulting from a solar flare do manage to reach the earth’s atmosphere. It is a possibility that the solar flares accompanied by a large scale energy release do have the potential to disrupt and even destroy the life on earth. It is a known fact that the sun’s energy does influence electromagnetic fields and the weather on earth. An unprecedented solar activity could someday drastically impact the human survival. They have the potential to drastically jeopardize the modern life by causing natural disasters, earthquakes, Tsuna mis, disrupting communication technologies, giving way to genetic mutations, jamming radio and satellite signals, and a plethora of other scientifically valid possibilities. It is a possibility that the very life nurturing potential of the sun could someday lead to an apocalypse. Coronal Mass Ejection (CME), simply put is a large scale burst of magnetic fields, solar wind and plasma from the sun’s corona into space (Ridpath, 1997, p.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Taken 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Taken 2 - Essay Example Of course the room can be darkened and a newly-released home theater system can be used but the ambiance and atmosphere seem to be different. Large audience size is impossible if watching a movie is done at home and the same element can be found in a movie theater that makes the overall atmosphere of a film to be engaging. For the paper, a film analysis is done to show how a movie can affect a person and his views and beliefs about the content of the film. In particular, the review would be based on the experience of the reviewer which will be addressed here as â€Å"I.† In the context of the movie review, I will share all about the general atmosphere before, during and after watching the movie in a cinema. Various guidelines were set to ensure the quality of the film analysis. I will give some parts in the review regarding the social interactions that occurred in the cinema while I was there watching the movie. Positive response may be seen in the form of excitement from the audience and through their gestures. In addition, it can help in the development of film as an art since the audience responds to the stimuli from the movie. We are able to connect those scenes and stories to real world experiences. Some questions prior to the film itself regarding social interaction may involve the general mood of the audience before the movie starts. The reviewer may also mention if he had seen some familiar faces like friends and former classmates watching at the same cinema and describe how he respond to the scenario. He may also mention if viewed the film alone or with friends or with special someone. The timing may also be considered when the movie was watched as it might affect how the reviewer appreciated the movie. In particular, it may be mentioned if he had watched it during the opening night as it might have a significant impact to the general atmosphere of the theater that might also

Monday, January 27, 2020

Strategies for Achieving Sustainable Built Environment

Strategies for Achieving Sustainable Built Environment Energy constraint and global warming are becoming the key challenges encountered by the world today. Major amount of energy is being used by the building sector for achieving comfortable thermal conditions. Fifty per cent of energy consumption is due to buildings. (Melet, n.d., p.06). Demand for Energy is increasing rapidly. The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) in its (IEO, 2011) International Energy Outlook 2011: states that world energy consumption grows by 53% from 2008 to 2035. The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) is the statistical and analytical agency within the U.S. Department of Energy. It studies and broadcasts energy information to make proper decisions regarding energy efficiency, public understanding of energy usage and proper policymaking. (EIA, September 19, 2011). Sustainable and climate responsive architecture offers feasible solutions to these challenges. Since the pre-industrial era Global warming is one of components which led to Environmental Degradation. Global warming which has risen by 0.7 °C since the last 300 years is likely to be increased by up to 8 °C by 2050 according to the (IPCC, 2007). IPCC i.e. intergovernmental panel on climate change is a leading organisation for the assessment of climate change. It also states that almost 90% of the warming in the decent decades is caused by energy related human activities, mainly because of CO2 emissions due to the burning of fossil fuels. (IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, 2007).Thus there is a need for urgent action to design buildings to protect us from the effects of climate change and global warming. We have to know from where we are coming to know where we are going- Charles Correa. There is a need to transform the past knowledge to act as a catalyst for the future. Tradition and Modernity are two sides of the same coin and must be dealt with simultaneously. Some of the Architects who have used this into practicality are given. Hassan Fathy did not use any hi-techniques of air-conditioning, instead according to him it is very important to study and understand natural physical properties of heat, wind and water which are the natural environment controls. It is very important to know how native materials can be improved and developed via new techniques, to meet the present day needs. Francisco Bobby Maà ±osa feels that prejudices against older materials can be overcome and exciting new possibly can be created. Charles Correa via his design philosophy of transfer and transformation re-integrates many older fundamental ideas, into his modern designs, which recognises the problems of today, yet show a deep respect for Indias culture and tradition. (Pearson, 1994, p. 122-124). The new Architecture has its roots deep in Vernacular tradition, which is rich in messages that are becoming more and more relevant to our time- messages that help us remember humility and a belonging to the Earth (Pearson, 1994, p.08). For 100 of years common builders have managed to build using small amount of available energy resources without affecting the surrounding environment, thus using it in a sustainable manner. These practices should be used in the conventional architectural practice of today, which are accountable for Environmental crisis. In the midst of great technological, environmental and political change over the past decades, the vernacular has become highly relevant over the past decades either as a technological example, or as a politically strategic element. Given that architecture is inevitably connected to technological developments, environmental issues and political change, vernacular architecture has thus become a central concept in Architectural theory and Practice. (Arboleda, n.d.). Introduction: The assessment of energy and comfort conditions is the most important factor in determining the architectural process. Energy efficiency and renewable energy are the most important aspect of sustainable design. Even climate and environmental conditions play a major role in a building design. The main purpose of designing a building is to create suitable condition for human comfort. Traditional builders used limited and naturally available materials to achieve comfort and climate was the major contributing factor in traditional building techniques. Due to the ever growing global concern, use of energy and limitation of resources it is the responsibility of an architect to design buildings which are sustainable. For creating sustainable building it is very essential to ascertain the basics from where this science originated. There therefore arises a need to look back in the past as how our ancestors built their own homes taking care of function, religion, social and spiritual values and above all adapting to the climate for making a comfortable living. So it is very important to study from the past traditional structures built by our ancestors without the use of modern technology and to make use of it in the present scenario for making sustainable built environment. The study of history of vernacular buildings has demonstrated throughout that the buildings have prominent sustainability, whilst fanciful architectural forms do not; they are pleasant and are to preserve the cultural messages they convey. (Ryan, 2011, p.51). According to (Arboleda, n.d.), over the last decade Vernacular studies have become established in the mainstream architectural discourse due to the following 3 reasons: Global Communication technologies: Since the 1960s there has been a great awareness among architects because of the easy and extensive access to the knowledge of traditional communities Global Environmental Crisis: Contemporary interest in this subject has arisen due to resource depletion, global warming and energy crisis. Global Politics: Vernacular Architecture is a valuable tool in the ethno politics. It is a key in ethnically sensitive projects, thus maintaining the cultural identity. Due to these ethno sensitive programs traditional elements are used in the making of new structures but by modernizing or re-engineering it, thus making it modern Vernacular or neo-Vernacular. The Meaning of Vernacular Architecture: The term vernacular originates from the Latin word vernaculus which means local, natural or original developed from Verna, meaning native slave or home-born slave. The numbers of factors which define a vernacular building are based upon time immemorial building techniques, use of naturally available materials, also location of the buildings and its usage. It is passed on by the word of mouth, and materials which are readily available. In addition it is a system invented by the local craftsmen and occupier. Vernacular Architecture can also be called as a structure created by an amateur without any education in this type of designing method. Thus it is a traditional method of building which is passed on from generation to generation. The method of constructing is based upon traditional practices and techniques. It is usually built with the help of family, clan or builders in the tribe and reveals a high level for craftsmanship and quality. The function of the building is the most governing factor followed by aesthetic consideration and use of local materials. Geographic environment is a very important factor seen in a typical Vernacular building; a sloping roof surface is made to bear the rainfall, a circular house form to oppose cyclonic winds, a thick flat mud roof for cooler interior space and to take out the heat of the sun, an inner courtyard for open space. In hot and dry climates, for example, buildings were shaded to avoid unbearable summer sun by tall vegetation, rock overhangs, or, in flat deserts, the courtyard building form. They were placed such that they could also receive the pleasant warmth of the winter sun. (Pearson, 1994, p.95). This shows that vernacular methods are the most traditional method of building structures which are responsive to climate. Factors leading to development of Vernacular form: Vernacular buildings are human constructs which are results of the interrelation between ecological, economical, material, political and social factors. (Asquith, L and Vellinga, M (Ed.),2006, p.110) Bakers remarkable work is seen from the way he uses environment, traditional methods, comfort, culture and technology in his works. (Bhatia, 1991 ,p.3) There is an overlapping of traditional techniques of climatic conditions and vernacular styles. Historically, practical devices were slowly embellished and generalised through repetition to become a part of an architectural vocabulary, a process Charles Correa describes one of the generating forces of architecture. Charles Correa tries to incorporate cultural values and traditional techniques in his process of designing considering the lifestyles of Indian people. (Hagan, 2011, p.116) Tadao Andos works shows compositions, which consists of mainly use of simple forms and visible use of concrete material. In most of his works the use of nature, space, character, climate, weather, and cultural background can be clearly seen. He believed that when greenery, water and light is abstracted through nature the form becomes sacred. (Nute, 2004, p.86,87,88) Vernacular architecture is influenced a lot by human behaviour and environment, leading to different building forms for every different context. Thus from the above references it is clear that there are various factors which lead to the origin of Vernacular form: Climate Materials and technology Site features Religion Economics Socio-cultural considerations The factors which directly regulate the form are: Climate Socio-cultural considerations Religion The factors which indirectly relate show that they restrict the evolution of form but do not essentially regulate the form: Materials and technology Site features Economics Materials and technology: It does not necessarily define the form of a house. Even if same material and technology is used in a particular society yet the forms would vary depending upon the function and culture as well. Site Consideration: Site features may restrict the house form but it does not decide the form. On similar site different house forms can be seen whereas on different sites similar house can be seen. Economics: The economy may affect the size of the house or type of materials and techniques used but does not affect the form. A society with same economic conditions may have different house forms due to socio-cultural values. Due to different views and thoughts people with similar economy may choose different house forms. Religion: Religion cannot totally determine the form alone but plays a direct influence in its evaluation. Religion can have a strong influence on the form, plan, spatial arrangements and orientation of the house. Many houses are built according to religious influence of the society. Socio-Cultural Factors: Socio-cultural or traditional methods of using a place can have direct effect on deciding the form of house. Both physical and socio-cultural aspects affect the form. The physical setting may provide several possibilities but actual choice gets restricted due to cultural factors. Climate: It is the most important factor in determining the form. Due to different climate in different countries the form is found to be similar. The poor thermal performance of the building in spite of using technologically advanced environment systems suggests that one needs to consider the physical environment while generating a building form. Aim: To analyse Vernacular architecture in achieving Sustainable Built Environment for Contemporary structures. Objective: To study the origin of traditional houses and examine its sustainability. To study traditional building material, their sustainability and the contrast with modern architecture. To study thermal performance of Vernacular building materials. To study the role of Building regulation in the sustainability of traditional building construction. Research Question: How can traditional methods of architecture be incorporated in modern buildings? How can the revival of the vernacular in the present contemporary architecture help it to become more sustainable inheriting cultural roots? Methodology: Although Vernacular Architecture is emerging as a very developing area of study, still much needs to be done theoretically, metholdologically and through recording and documentation, before applying it to twenty-first century. (Asquith, L and Vellinga, M (Ed.),2006, p.03) Following are the methodologies used for the research. Literature Review: To read and analyse in depth about Vernacular Architecture using some of sources which includes digital media, web sources, books, published journals in related disciplines, scholarly articles and published papers. Qualitative Survey Using Live Case Studies: Conducting the Case study using Collecting the Evidence method is used here. (Yin, 2003, p.83) Sources of Evidences which will be used here are as follows. Historical Documentation- This type of documentation can be done by using data collected through local libraries or other reference centres. The documents could be proposals, progress reports, internal records, newspaper clippings and other articles appearing in mass media or in newsletters. Interviews- It is the most important part of the case study. Structured Questions will be used as a type of interview along the lines of a formal survey. Such survey can be designed as a part of case study and produce qualitative data as a part of the case study. (Yin, 2003, p.91). Here interviews with building industry professionals will take place (if the project is complete) or interview of workers or managers (if the site is an on-going project). Post occupancy questionnaire will be prepared for the present occupiers of the site to know their perception of the site. Post occupancy evaluations provide an indication of major successes and failures in a buildings performance. They can be used to improve and explain the performance of a building and are useful not only to the occupants and owners but also to the designers, who can learn about both their mistakes and successes and can apply these findings to future projects. Direct Observation- It includes field visits to know some relevant behaviour or environmental conditions. Observational evidence is often useful in providing information about the site. Physical Artefact- Here it could comprise of material being used on the site or any other physical evidence to find out the sustainability of the structure. Analysing Case study Evidence- While analysing the interviews and the questionnaire some common topics will be listed and a checklist will be prepared and the selected case studies will be evaluated against the topics in a checklist. Reporting Case Studies: A standard approach called Linear analytical Structure will be used here. It consists of findings from the data collected and conclusions and implications from these findings. Work Plan: Weeks Activity 1-2 Literature review: Understanding the background of the topic reading various books, journal articles etc. 3-6 Historical Documentation: Collecting data from various sources on vernacular Architecture. 7-9 Case study: It includes both interviews and field work which could be done simultaneously. 9-12 Compilation of data: Review all the collected data, edit and compile it and re-phrasing it in the form of a detailed dissertation report. Possible Outcome: The main aim of the research is to manifest and prove that Vernacular architecture is a solution for todays Sustainable Design principles. The vernacular architectural studies will provide useful insights for designing contemporary structures by taking evidences form the Vernacular structures of the past.It also aims to look into strategies which could be cost effective in construction and specification.The final outcome will be in a form of conclusion report from the case studies which will help in designing contemporary structure using climate responsive design concepts. References: Arboleda, Gabriel.(n.d.). Traditional, vernacular and ethnic architectures from Asquith,L., Vellinga,M.(Ed.). (2006). Verncaular Architecture in the twenty-first century: theory, education and practice. Abingdon, Oxon., USA and Canada: Taylor and Francis. Bhatia, Gautam.(1991). Laurie Baker: life, work, writtings. New Delhi, India.,London, UK.,USA, Victoria, Australia., Ontario,Canada.,Aukland,Newzealand: Penguin books. Eia Independent statics and Analysis: U.S. energy information administration. (september 19, 2011) from Mellet, Ed. (n.d.). Sustainable Architecture: Towards a diverse built environment: NAI Publishers. Nute,K.(2004). Place, time and being in Japanese architecture. New Felter lane, London., USA and Canada: Routhedge. Pearson, David. (1994). Earth to spirit: in search of natural architecture. London, U.K.: Gaia Books limited. Parry, M.L., Canziani, O.F., Palutikof, J.P., Vander, Linden., Hanson, C.E. (Ed.). Climate Change 2007: Impacts, adaptation and vulnerability. Cambridge university press from Ryan, Carol. (2011). Traditional construction for Sustainable Future. Abingdon, Oxon., USA and Canada: Spon Press. Susannah, Hagan. (2001). Taking shape: A new contract between Architecture and Nature.Jordan, Oxford: Architectural Press. Yin, R.K.(2003). Case study Research: Design and methods. Thousand Oaks, California., London, UK., New Delhi, London: Sage Publication Inc.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Service Above Self

Ever since I was a child, my teachers, friends, parents, and family have always complemented me for my kindheartedness, determination, and of course my leadership. I have never been one to judge others, I always work hard in everything I do, and love being able to be in charge. My morals were built by people that surround me, specifically family. My mom has always taught me that everyone is the same and not one person is better than the next. This is something that has followed me throughout my life and is still one of my main priorities. I take great pride in being pen-minded and kindhearted, because I believe that most of the problems we have today is because of certain groups of people feeling more superior than another, and people's lack to do good for others with no benefit for themselves. Another problem that is here is people are not determined to fix the problems that our nation has and instead work around them. I am not one to walk around or run away from a problem, but I am determined to work hard and to not only get rid of the problem but take initiative to make sure it does not happen again. I believe that if everyone lived with this, the world ould become a better place by the minute. Unfortunately, the opposite is occurring at the moment and new problems emerge as time goes by. I am very proud of being a leader rather than a follower for many reasons. One, it gives me the opportunity to express my views, beliefs, morals, and concerns. Two, I continually try to make a difference in society for a greater good, and lastly, it gives me individuality in a good society. This good society is a major factor in many of today's problems. People tend to do what other people do, even if it is against their personal views. This leads to many problems because leaders with the wrong ntentions can easily be followed by those who are afraid of being their own person and leadership. I am proud to be a kindhearted, determined leader and have demonstrated it in more ways than one. During my years in high school, I have led my football team to greater heights by making the play offs for the first time in many years, they also helped me to be the first male All-State player in schools history. I also helped lead my schools basketball team win the school’s first state championship in any sport. I have shown my leadership around the school and was given the honor to be Mr. EMCA; this ward is based on a student’s excellent Christian testimony, attitude, extracurricular involvement, and overall best represents the school and what we believe in. The award is given to one male in the senior class chosen by the faculty, staff, and administration. I love that I have been said to be a great person and that many people look up to me. I work a lot at my church also by ushering and helping keep the church clean on work days. In The Bible there have been many instances of people using service above self like in Mark 1:29-39 Jesus used service ab ove self â€Å"From church, they went straight home to Simon and Andrew’s house long with James and John. They told him that Simon’s mother-in-law was in bed with a fever. But when he came in, he took her by the hand and she got up, the fever gone, and began to serve them. That evening, as the sun set, people started bringing their sick and deranged to the door – the whole city turned out – and he cured many with various illnesses and cast out many demons, but without allowing them to speak – they knew him. The next morning at O-dark thirty, Jesus got up and went out to be alone in prayer. But Simon and the others tracked him down and told him, â€Å"Everyone’s out looking for you. He said, â€Å"Let’s head out to the next few towns and get the word out there. That’s my mission. † So off they went, all over Galilee, speaking in churches and expelling demons. † Also Gal 5:13 â€Å"For, brethren, ye have been call ed unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another. † God is telling us to serve others not just oneself. Also in Gal 5:14 â€Å"For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. † God tells us to love our neighbors. Or in Gal 5:14 â€Å"For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt ove thy neighbour as thyself. † or Gal 5:22 â€Å"But the fruit of the Spirit is LOVE, joy, peace, LONGSUFFERING, GENTLENESS, GOODNESS, faith. † There are many other verses in the bible like Mark 10:43-45 â€Å"But so shall it not be among you: but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister: And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all. For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. †and 1 Cor 13:4-7 â€Å"Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envi eth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, eeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. † and 1 Thes 1:3 â€Å"Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father. † In all of these verses, it shows that service above self is a very important thing to know and do. I really do hope that more people start to use service above self in this world.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

The Tale of Cupid and Psyche. Love Stories Essay

Love Stories Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Virgil’s Aeneas and Dido is a love story that has been in existence for decades. It is about Dido, the queen of Carthage who falls in love with Aeneas, a Trojan soldier. In the story, it is evident that Dido has fallen for Aeneas since she finally confides in her sister concerning her love for Aeneas. Dido is a widow; although she had sworn never to fall in love again, this promise is short term. After confiding in her sister about her attraction towards Aeneas, Anna advises her to proceed since it will be beneficial not only to her but to the city as well.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Virgil’s Aeneas and Dido has a number of strengths. For instance, the rate at which the relationship between Dido and Aeneas blossoms. The relationship between the two develops quite fast that Jupiter and Mercury are caught unawares. It is only after realizing the extent that the relationship has reached that Jupiter acts promptly to end it. In a move to end the relationship, Jupiter sends Mercury to converse with Aeneas and remind him of his destiny. According to Jupiter, Aeneasâ€Å"†¦ought to be founding a city in Italy†¦ (Virgil 12)† Similarly, after the death of her husband, Dido had sworn never to fall in love again. However, this does not happen since she falls for Aeneas the moment she spots him. Although Dido has fallen for Aeneas, she is afraid of breaking the promise she had made to her late husband. Dido confides in Anne who advises her to fall in love with Aeneas. The passion for Aeneas becomes unbearab le since she finally breaks the promise she had made about being loyal.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The relationship between Aeneas and Dido was strong that it caught the attention of the gods. For instance, Venus and Juno are aware of this relationship. This becomes evident when Juno says, â€Å"†¦let’s do some matchmaking†¦ (Virgil 36)† It is clear that Venus and Juno wanted the relationship between Aeneas and Dido to proceed to marriage. In a move to achieve this, Venus and Juno come up with a plan that results to Dido and Aeneas making love. In the plan, Aeneas and Dido go hunting; Juno makes the rain to fall so that the two can take cover in a cave. It is through this plan that Aeneas and Dido become intimate, which increases the strength of the relationship.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Apart from the strength, Virgil’s story also has a number of weaknesses. For instance, Dido is fond of making promises and then breaking them. For example, although she had promised to remain loyal to her dead husband, she breaks this promise the moment Aeneas walks in (Virgil 12). This implies that she is likely to end the relationship between Aeneas and herself. Additionally, by falling for Aeneas, Dido lags behind in performing her duties as the queen; thus, the work of city building starts to collapse. Another weakness of Virgil’s story is that there are some disagreements between the gods. For instance, although Juno and Venus are in support of the relationship, this is not the case for Jupiter and Mercury. When Jupiter notices the relationship, he sends Mercury who asks Aeneas to leave the city. Although the romantic relationship between Aeneas and Dido was strong, it ends tragically with the death of Dido dueto the sud den departure of Aeneas.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Apuleius’ Cupid and Psyche is a story about a romantic relationship that blossoms between Psyche and Cupid, the son of Venus, who is the goddess of love.According to the story, Psyche is quite beautiful to the extent that Venus, the goddess of love, developed hatred for her (Apuleius 39). Therefore, Venus asks her son, cupid, to go and stab Psyche with an arrow. This is evident when Venus asks Cupid to, â€Å"†¦punish that contumacious beauty†¦ (Apuleius 16)† However, cupid is stunned by Psyche’s beauty so much that he stabs himself instead. Cupid immediately falls in love with Psyche and gradually a relationship blossoms between the two.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   UnlikeAeneas and Dido, the story of Cupid and Psyche tends to have more strength. The story brings out the extent that one can go to in the name of seeking love.This comes out when Psyche is not ready to lose Cupid. Psyche is aware that Venus does not want her to marry Cupid, but she goes ahead to inquire about Cupid’s whereabouts from Venus. When Venus sees Psych, she refers to her as, â€Å"†¦the most undutiful and faithless of servants†¦ (Apuleius 5)†Although Cupid and Psyche are from two different worlds, they are able to finally marry each other and live happily.Psyche’s love for Cupid is also seen when she accomplishes all the difficult tasks she was given by Venus. First, psyche is made to sort a huge pile of seeds before being asked to retrieve the Golden Fleece. After successfully accomplishing the first two tests, Venus then asks Psyche to fill a flask with water from river Styx. In the final test, Psyche is to go to the underworld and return with Persephone (Apuleius 79). Although these tasks are tedious, the love Psyche has for Cupid prompts her into accomplishing all the tasks.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One weaknessapparent in this story is that it contains unrealistic aspects. For instance, it is quite unrealistic for Cupid, a god, to marry Psyche who was a human being. It is therefore a weakness since it makes the story seem fictitious. Additionally, another aspect that makes the story weak is the fact that there are several incidences of disobedience. For instance, although Psyche is warned against identifying her suitor, she disobeys this statement and goes ahead to identify Cupid. Similarly, when Venus asks Psyche to fetch the Persephone, she opens it out of curiosity and instantly falls into deep sleep.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Dante’s Paola and Francesca is a story about Francesca, the daughter to the lord of Ravenna, and Gianciotto, the son to the lord of Rimini. Ravenna and Rimini have continuously been engaging in war. In a move to end the conflicts, the two lords agreed to marry off their children (Singleton). Since Gianciotto is disabled and ugly, he does not attend the wedding ceremony. Paolois the youngest brother to Gianciotto. He is picked to represent Gianciotto since he is handsome and good-looking and it is obvious that Francesca will fall in love with him. The plan proceeds well since Francesca doesn’t know the truth until the following morning when she wakes up beside Gianciotto (Singleton). However, since Francesca has fallen in love with Paolo, a secret relationship blossoms between the two (Singleton).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Although Dante’s story has a tragic end with the death of both Paola and Francesca, it is also one of the best-drafted love stories since there are a number of lessons worth learning from it. One strength is that through marriage, harmony is established between Ravenna and Rimini. This comes out when Francesca and Gianciotto get married. However, compared to stories by Virgil and Apuleius, Dante’s Paolo and Francesca has more weaknesses than strengths. The story is marred with deception. For example, during the wedding ceremony, Paolo impersonates Gianciotto since he is more handsome(Singleton). Impersonating Gianciotto increased the opportunity of Francesca accepting the marriage. This implies that Francesca was deceived about the real Gianciotto and so was her father who was the lord of Ravenna. This deception is the reason why the marriage between Gianciotto and Francesca is unstable.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Apart from impersonation, another aspect is dishonesty. Since Francesca has fallen in love with Paolo, their relationship still goes on even after the wedding(Singleton). After several years, the secret finally comes to light when Gianciotto walks in on them while behind closed doors. This discovery angers Gianciotto that he decides to kill Paolo. However, when he swings his rapier, Francesca rushes between them and takes the blow. The rapier ends up cutting through Francesca’s bosom before finally slitting through Paolo, therefore, killing both of them instantly (Singleton). It is due to these deceptions that the tragic deaths of the two couples occurs.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Although the three stories are romantic, Apuleius’ Cupid and Psyche is the most romantic love story. Unlike the other stories that end tragically with the death of main characters, it is only Apuleius’ Cupid and Psyche that ends positively when the two couples get married. Similarly, it is also the best love story since more aspects of love are depicted. For example, the tests that Psyche accomplishes when she goes in pursuit of Cupid. References Apuleius, Joel. The Tale of Cupid and Psyche. Indianna: Hackett Publishing, 2009. Print. Singleton, Charles. â€Å"Romance Stories: Paolo& Francesca as told by Dante.† Wisdom Portal. 1977. Web. 31 October 2014. <> Virgil & Maclennan, Keith. Virgil: Aeneid Iv. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2013. Print. Source document